The backbone to any student management system is the way that it handles student records. Your staff will love Assembly's administration module. Have all the data you need on your students, past, present and future, at your fingertips with Assembly's easy to navigate screens. With links to ENROL and fast creation of all roll return data, Assembly streamlines all your Ministry requirements. Office management is a breeze, supplying you with all the information on your students and caregivers when you need it.
Students may be entered with basic data as pre-enrolments, allowing them to be quickly recorded without worrying about all the details. Once the student enrols at the school, the user is able to fill in the complete details for the student and check the student against roll return requirements, ensuring that the data is as accurate as possible.
Assembly streamlines your contact management allowing you to add a contact for a single student and link the same contact to multiple students, allowing you to keep family contacts together. This also means that when a contact's details change, you only need to change the details in Assembly once and the changes will be reflected on all linked students. Contacts can include parents, caregivers, emergency contacts, doctors, dentists and so much more.
With Assembly's contacts, it is easy to keep track of your Board of Trustee voting details. From there, at election time, voting labels and lists can be quickly created, making this, often time-consuming task, very easy to manage.
Rather than waiting until roll return time, as student's are enrolled at the school, their data can be immediately checked against roll return requirements. This simple process means that when roll returns need to be run, they can be run with a minimum of checking and fuss. Final checks can be completed very quickly and the roll returns produced without delay, finally being sent to the MoE with a click of a button.
Assembly has been approved to synchronise with external Ministry sites such as ENROL (for both arrivers and leavers), and SRT (Student Record Transfer). With a click of a button, administration users are able to upload their arrivers and leavers directly to ENROL and check National Student Numbers, keeping ENROL up to date with changes. At the end of the year, the basic information related to your leavers, including standardised tests, can be sent through to SRT where it will be picked up by the next school and vice versa.
Assembly boasts an intuitive and extensive attendance feature. Teachers complete attendance registers from the Student Hub and administration staff have real time absence information. Assembly links with early notification providers, allowing you to install a caregiver texting service when your pupils are absent. Keep on top of absenteeism with automated notifications.. Our attendance module will give you complete and quick analysis across the school, class or specific student with our comprehensive reporting.
Users have the ability to create quick lists directly from within the Student List page, or, alternatively, select reports from our extensive reporting range. Many reports can be filtered, sorted or customised, depending on the user's requirements. Our helpful reporting team are on hand to help create additional reports if these are required.